Sunday, November 17, 2013

Exciting times!

These are some exciting times…

After years and years of pondering, thinking, discussing, we are finally taking the plunge.  Can you guess what we are doing?  Here are some hints:

If you haven't guessed already, we are going to get chickens.  This is exciting news, folks.  Josh and I have both wanted to raise chickens for a while (we did raise a pig, after all- which is FAR WORSE than chickens could ever be…at least I imagine.

I don't know what has taken us so long to finally go for it.  

I'll be sure to keep you all informed as we make progress!


  1. We love our chickens -- all named for Laurie's and my great aunts. They are so fun to watch, not to mention the eggs are SOOO good. Can't wait to see pix!

  2. Cool:)

    I can't imagine raising a pig. Did you guys eat it?

  3. Oh yes, we ate the meat- and loved it! Best meat I've ever had in my life!! We would certainly do it again if it weren't for the awful smell that permeated the neighborhood because of our pig!
